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Annual Theme

Every year several exhibitions are put into context by a theme. Different perspectives on a topic facilitate access and enhance understanding in experiencing art.

Annual theme 2013: Colour
Annual theme 2014: Illusion
Annual theme 2015: Structure

Annual theme 2016: Identity
Annual theme 2017: Sound
Annual theme 2018: Emotion
Annual theme 2019: Art & Science

Annual theme 2020: History
Annual theme 2021: Europe
Annual theme 2022: Light and Shade

Annual theme 2023: Nature ↔ Data

Annual theme 2024: Stories

Planned (subject to change):
Annual theme 2025: Town - Country - Transition
Annual theme 2026: Game and Chance
Annual theme 2027: Space and Void
Annual theme 2028: Meaning of Life 

Opening hours


Winter (Nov-Feb)
Tue - Sat: 2 pm - 6 pm
Sun + holidays: 10 am - 7 pm

Summer (March-Oct)
Tue - Sat: 2 pm - 7 pm
Sun + holidays: 10 am - 7 pm


Das Titelbild des Flyers über die Kunstwerke im Skulpturengarten im Außenbereich des Schafhofs - Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern zeigt die Skluptur "SpaceSheep" des ungarischen Künstlers Csongor Szigeti, ein silbernes, halb abstraktes Schaf auf einer Wiese.
Brochure about the Sculpture Garden in the outdoor area of the Center for Art
To download: PDF 10 MB