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Previous AIR projects

Since 2018 the artist-in-residence  (AIR) program at Schafhof focuses on cooperation projects with different partner institutions in the same time in periods of several years. For the ongoing artists exchange programs please have a look at Current / Preview.

Until 2017 the AIR program was structured in periods of time in cooperations with one partner institution. Please find examples of the last years below.


Previous artist-in-residence projects since 2016

Schafhof Transfer Oronsko Orangerie
01.10.2016 - 31.12.2022
The artist-in-residence project Focus > Orońsko takes place in the framework of the European Art Scholarship of the District County of Upper Bavaria. Partner of the cooperation is the Center for Polish Sculpture in Orońsko in Poland. ... more information
Europakarte Künstleraustausch
16.07.2022 - 17.07.2022
Symposium about the "Significance of Artist Exchange" - Input and presentations with representatives of the partner institutions from different countries ... more information
Fokus Europa II LIVE
11.02.2021 - 13.05.2021
Presentation and talks with seven participants of the European Art Fellowship of the District Council of Upper Bavaria in 2020 as well as a greeting by the president of the District Council and an introduction. ... more information
01.04.2019 - 31.12.2020
The artist-in-residence project Focus > Bratislava takes place in the framework of the Europan Art Scholarship of the District County of Upper Bavaria. Partner of the cooperation is the Creative and Cultural Centre Nová Cvernovka in Bratislava. ... more information
AIR Künstleraustausch Kharkiv Observatorium
01.06.2019 - 31.12.2020
The artist-in-residence project Transfer > Kharkiv takes place in the framework of the Europan Art Scholarship of the District County of Upper Bavaria. Partner of the cooperation is the YermilovCenter in Kharkiv / Ukraine . ... more information
Atelierausstellung Almozayyen Hajas
13.06.2020 - 21.06.2020
Katinka Hajas and Rima Almozayyen are artists-in-residence at Schafhof in the framework of the European Art Fellowship of the District Council of Upper Bavaria since March 2020. ... more information
Europakarte Künstleraustausch
13:30 - 18:30
Symposium about the theme "European artist exchanges" with keynote speech by Gitte Zschoch (director of EUNIC Global) and round table discussion with artists and representatives of the partner institutions from different countries ... more information
AIR Transfer > Rom Pastificio Cerere
01.09.2017 - 08.04.2018
The artist-in-residence project Transfer > Rome takes place in the framework of the Europan Art Scholarship of the District County of Upper Bavaria. Partner of the co-operation is the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome in Italy. ... more information
Kunsttag 050 Ikon
15:00 - 18:00
Presentation of the artist exchange between Oświęcim and Dachau during the last three decades by artists und organizers of both cities. ... more information
Transfer Syrien 2 Gruppenportrait
01.04.2016 - 30.07.2016
Artists from Syria work and live for two months respectively three weeks at Schafhof. It is an outstanding possibility to gain insight into the contemporary culture of the guest artists. ... more information

Previous artist-in-residence projects before 2016

Transfer > Lviv/Ukraine I+II (2015)
Transfer > Slovenia II (2014)
Transfer > Slovenia I (2013)
FreeColours (2013)
transfer: Spain (2011)
transfer: Poland II (2010)
transfer: Romania II (2008)
transfer: Romania I (2008)
transfer: Hungary (2007)
transfer: Czech Republic II (2007)
transfer: Czech Republic I (2006)
transfer: Poland I (2005)


AIR Presentation EN Icon

Booklet about the AIR-Program
for screen
(PDF, A4, 11 pages, 864 KB) 
print quality
(PDF, A4, 11 pages, 14,8 MB)



The artist-in-residence program takes place in the framework of the European Art Fellowship of the District Council of Upper Bavaria.

During the stay of the guest artists in Freising presentations and open studio days provide the possibility to meet with and know more about the artists. There is always the option to arrange individual visits and meetings as well.