
meetup+art | Visitor Service

In the exhibitions ANOTHER PLACE and NACHTSICHT Alexandra M. Hoffmann is available to visitors individually with explanations and interpretations.


meetup+art | Visitor Service

meetup+art is a program of the Center for Art with guided tours and information events on a regular basis.

The Visitor Service is a new form of support for exhibition visitors and is carried out by artist and art critic Alexandra M. Hoffmann. The expert is available during the three hours in the afternoon for questions, informal exchange of information, explanations, interpretation assistance and discussions. Please contact the reception desk or Ms. Hoffmann directly.

Participation in the Visitor Service is free of charge.


Über die Leiterin der Ausstellungsführung

Alexandra M. Hoffmann »


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30.04.2022 - 26.06.2022
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Exhibition Night Vision, 2022 - Image Dirk Player
30.04.2022 - 03.07.2022
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