
Ráchel Jutka

Rachel Jutka: Aufenthalt am Schafhof im Herbst 2023. Schwarz-weißes Bild der Künstlerin. Sie sitzt in ihrem Studio auf dem Boden und leht sich mit ihrem rechtem Arm auf einem Stuhl an, der neben ihr steht.
Foto: Teo Tvarožek

Ráchel Jutka, born 1996 in Košice, Slovakia
lives and works in Košice

Stay at Schafhof: Fall 2023

Artwork by Ráchel Jutka titled "Another profile pic"
Foto: Peter Michal © Ráchel Jutka

Ráchel Jutka

Ráchel Jutka is a visual artist based in Košice. She studied Fine Art in northern Scotland, UK (Shetland College, Moray School of Art, University of The Highlands and Islands) and recently completed her master's degree with honours at the Studio of Contemporary Painting, Faculty of Arts in Košice. From the viewpoint of generation Y, Ráchel evaluates visuality of the Instagram social network. She often thinks about the fleeting success of an image shared online in parallel with the "success" of an image - a painting created by her - the author. Ráchel considers the investigation of the "insta-image" to be an interesting source of information, which she transforms into the language of an abstract painting, whether she thinks about the content shared in the stream of hyper- aestheticized visuality, or she observes the "technical" parameters and limitations of the application itself, such as, the arrangement into a „grid“, cropping the image or vertical reading of an endless stream of images ...The motif of water, flow or stream and organic structures of the natural world - these are the elements that Ráchel connects within the canvases with the idea of neomateriality arising from the virtual world of infinite codes and data shared through the social networks.

Dates in Freising

Presentation and talk with three participating artists of the residency program within the framework of the European Art Fellowship of the District Council of Upper Bavaria ... weiterlesen

Residency Program

AIR SChafhof KAIR Kosice
01.08.2020 bis 31.12.2026
The artist-in-residence project Focus > Kosice takes place in the framework of the European Art Fellowship of the District County of Upper Bavaria. Partner of the cooperation is the art center Kosice Artist in Residence (KAIR). ... weiterlesen