Picture Gallery
Images from selected exhibitions in the European Art Forum Upper Bavaria since 2013.
Zipora Rafaelov: Wolf and Lamb
1 October to 27 November, 2022 in the barell vault and the gallery on the ground floor: Large-format cutouts and a new installation in the barrel vault of the Schafhof create an exciting game of hide-and-seek using light and shadow. ... more information
Remix 3: Light and Shadow
9 July to 25 September, 2022 in the gallery on the ground floor: Exhibition with works by Barbara Nagy and Ádám Szabó from Hungary in the framework of the European Art Fellowship of the District Council of Upper Bavaria. ... more information
Pavel Mrkus: Another Place
30 April - 26 June 2022 / extended until 3 July!: Installation by the artist Pavel Mrkus.
Night Vision
30 April - 26 June 2022 / extended until 3 July!: Jürgen Bürgin, Martim Brion, Dirk Pleyer. ... read on
Beast from the East: Andriy Hir
30 June - 26 August, 2018: The subject of Andriy Hir's large-format paintings and bizarre figures are the myths and superstitions of the Carpathian region. This reflection of mysticism, magic and the underlying fears of an ancient cultural region displays an important spectrum of this year's theme, emotion. ... more information
Philipp Geist: InBetween
14 April - 3 June, 2018: Philipp Geist, an artist who has become world famous for his spectacular light installations, displays two room-sized installations: The barrel vault becomes the walk-in light art installation InBetween, while in the gallery on the ground floor, underwater photographs of rivers from all over the world offer unfamiliar perspectives in the multi channel video Riverine Zones. ... more information
24 February - 2 April, 2018: Memory and emotion - These works by artists from three countries revolve around structures for preserving cultural memories in objects, images and media. ... more information
Georg Küttinger and Hans Wesker: Resonanzen
16. December 2017 - 18. February 2018: The exhibition on the ground floor of Schafhof presents photographies by Georg Küttinger along with a soundinstallation by Hans Wesker. The two works are independent, however, related to each other due to similar structural elements. ... more information
Via Lewandowsky: Murmur in Sector Zero
21 October - 3 December, 2017: Murmur in Sector Zero was developed specifically for the Schafhof. Lewandowsky transforms the vaulted ceiling into an abandoned ark. To this effect, he combines a sculptural work with a sound installation of language, paralanguage, and sound-based elements. ... more information
Cod.Act: Cycloïd-E
25 August - 3 October, 2017: Cycloïd-E is a spectacular sound sculpture more than 10 m in diameter with a hypnotic effect. ...more information
Steven Tevels: Solanum Tuberosum Sound Synthesis
25 August - 15 Oktober, 2017: Steven Tevels transforms biophysical and electrochemical processes in sound effects. ... more information
Interplay (Wechselspiel)
25 August - 15 Oktober, 2017: Steven Tevels transforms biophysical and electrochemical processes in sound effects. ... more information
Prelude: Anne Pfeifer
25 February - 23 April, 2017: The exhibition program at Schafhof – European House for Art Upper Bavaria starts with a double exhition called PRELUDE. Using a pared-down formal vocabulary in her kinetic sound installations, Pfeifer intelligently combines sound and motion with the help of electronic motors. ... more information
Prelude: Rhythm Section
20 February - 17 April, 2017: The exhibition program at Schafhof – European House for Art Upper Bavaria starts with a double exhition called PRELUDE. The international artist group Rhythm Section presents a varied presentation with art works of different genres connected to the topic "rhythm in fine arts". ... more information
"Scenic Constellations - The Power of Images"
17. Dezember 2016 - 12. Februar 2017: The exhibition is a cooperation between the Diözesanmuseum Freising and Schafhof - European House for Art Upper Bavaria. It presents Christian devotional images from various centuries together with modern abstract painting, exploring how these images emotionally move the viewer. ... more information
"The Border is Open..."
Sculpture, photography and media art - German and European artists reflect on cross-border situations in politics, communication, digitalization, sensory perception, religion and robotics. ... more information
Tatjana Utz: Showtime
Tatjana Utz provides an inside-view into the world of travesty stars throughout her paintings and installations. She broaches the issue of gender roles and their social acceptability. ... more information
Eszter Szabó: Double Take
Eszter Szabó's works deal with ordinary details of everyday situations that are so familiar that they almost become invisible. Vulnerability, inertia, weariness, as well as unattainable desires to be perfect is a general theme that returns in her animated paintings. ... more information
Roland Fischer: IN YOUR FACE
Roland Fischer is an internationally renowned artist who is based in Munich. From 1980 onwards, Fischer became the first of the young German photographers to experiment with large-format portrait shots and developed his famous collective portraits, among other things. ... more information
Vollrad Kutscher: Cinemaczz
Vollrad Kutscher is considered to be one of the pioneers of media art in Germany. He created ten new portraits of his famous series of light objects "Leuchtende Vorbilder" (Shining Examples). His video "Kartoffelmovie" (Potato Movie) is presented in a new, site specific installation. ... more information
Richard Thieler: Kino
Richard Thieler takes photographs of cinemas since 2009. His impressive images of the fassades of cinema buildings in the night are presented in light boxes.
Glitch Art
The term “Glitch Art” is used in the visual arts to describe a form of art which concerns itself with the aesthetics of errors. The starting point is so-called “errors” in technology-dependent media such as photography, video and electronic images. ... more information
Tomoko Fuse: Infinity Folding
Heinz Strobl: Raumfalten Schnappologie
Transflexion is an unusual, multi-artist video and sound art show exploring humanity’s evolving and expanding notions of individuality. Taking the Buddhist idea of “Dependent Origination,” which states that all things arise in dependence upon multiple causes and conditions, as a starting point, Transflexion considers the dawning realization that consciousness has no borders and that we all exist, to some degree, within everyone else in the world, and possibly beyond. ... more information
Holography, which already was discovered in 1948 and developed further in the 1960s, is a successful, comprehensive spatial representation of objects and structures, which in their potential application, extend far beyond classical photography. ... more information
József Bullás: Lightdome
Light Dome is an exhibition consisting of two parts, confronting light and spatial effects. József Bullás works with similar effects within the framework of traditional oil paintings. ... more information
Glowing Bulbs: Lightdome
Light Dome is an exhibition consisting of two parts, confronting light and spatial effects. The artists group Glowing Bulbs is well-known for its videomapping projects, in the course of which images and animations are projected on facades and other architectural elements. ... more information
Urban Perspectives
The exhibition Urban Perspectives – Dark City explores the artistic reaction of the illusory architecture of our era. The keywords are a critical approach to Modernism, to the anthropological themes of the living environment as well as a research of the spatial perspectives. ... more information
Diego Perathoner & Anton Petz: Illusion der Gewalt
Petko Dourmana: Illusion der Gewalt
Björn Melhus: Deadly Storms/Nightwatch
Originally rooted in an experimental film context, Bjørn Melhus's work has been shown and awarded at numerous international film festivals. He has held screenings at Tate Modern and the LUX in London, the Museum of Modern Art (MediaScope) in New York, and the Centre Pompidou in Paris, amongst others. ... more information
In 2013 the exhibitions at the Schafhof, the European House for Art in Upper Bavaria, focus on the topic of COLOR, exploring it from various perspectives, with different artistic strategies, positions and media. The first exhibition by the name of “ColorSpaces – open color II” displays a connection of the traditional concept of painting with extensive shapes and photo images. ... more information