
Call for cooperation

Bird view on the House of Art; photo: Michael Radeck

The European Center for Art - Schafhof in Freising near Munich (Germany / Upper Bavaria) is looking for cooperative partners for a European artist-in-residence exchange program.

What we are looking for:

A partner institution, which is interested in an artist exchange with Upper Bavaria. Each year, 1-3 participants per country live and work for 1-3 months in the respective partner country. The number of participants and length of residency are the same at both institutions.

The partner institutions are responsible for providing the artists free live/work opportunities in their respective country, a monthly stipend, one-time travel costs, and professional onsite support. Conditions are negotiable according to situation.

Mission statement:

The Artist-in-Residence program (AIR) of the Schafhof – European Center for Art Upper Bavaria is open to artists from across Europe. The artists and their personal and artistic needs form the focal point of the artist-in-residence program.

The location in the midst of nature and the exceptional architecture create an atmosphere in which artists can concentrate on their own work, while they can also integrate into the rich contemporary art scene of Munich and Upper Bavaria.

The values of a borderless, open and free continent, a Europe of regions, are reflected in the program’s purpose and meaning. Forming the main themes are the two poles of technology and nature as central pillars of a modern and sustainable community, which is fostered by the setting and facilities of the art center.

The Schafhof is a public institution of the Bezirk Oberbayern. The District Council of Upper Bavaria set up a scholarship for contemporary artists in 2005 with the aim to promote European ideals and enrich the region’s cultural life.  

We offer:

  • Apartment and studio for free
  • 800 Euro stipend / artist / month (for material costs, catering etc.)
  • travel costs (home town - Freising one time return after agreement)
  • Open studio presentations and adjoining programs
  • An exhibition for all participating artists
  • The possibility of a political cooperation on regional level. The president of the District County of Upper Bavaria is the patron of the artist-in-residence program.

You provide:

  • A residency for German artists (from Upper Bavaria) on a similar standard (modification possible) 
  • Approx. 500-800 Euro stipend / artist / month (depending on the cost of living in your country - also possible with external support)
  • The organization of the application for the artists from your country/region.
  • Possibilities for exhibitions and/or presentation of your choice

Artistic field: Contemporary art, all genres. The artist-in-residency-program is addressed to professional artists.

Application: The institutions preselect a shortlist of artists for the exchange program, while the respective partner institution makes the final decision for the  winner(s). Other procedures can be negotiated.

Planned period: The Art Forum focuses on two periods each year: spring (March to May) and autumn (September-November) - other periods can be negotiated.

All conditions can be changed by agreement.

Eike Berg
Director of the European Center for Art - Schafhof
P: +49 (0) 8161 146231
F: +49 (0) 8161 146268