
Legal Notice


Schafhof - European Center for Art Upper Bavaria
(Schafhof - Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern)
Am Schafhof 1
85354 Freising, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 8161/146231
Fax: +49 (0) 8161/146268

The European Center for Art Upper Bavaria - Schafhof is operated by the District Council of Upper Bavaria (Bezirk Oberbayern). The District Council of Upper Bavaria is a regional corporation under public law. It is represented by the District Council President Joseph Mederer.

Responsible for the content:

Bezirkstagspräsident Thomas Schwarzenberger

Editoral Office

Eike Berg (Director Schafhof)

Pages and textes identified by names depict the opinions and perceptions of the named persons.


Cindy Rodat

CMS-System and Programming

Advantic Systemhaus GmbH
Gutenbergstraße 15
23566 Lübeck

Terms of Use

All rights reserved. It is specifically not allowed without the express permission of the district of Upper Bavaria to copy the content of this website for commercial purposes, to save it on microfilm / microfiche or in electronic systems, or alter it in any way.

Reproduction and evaluation of press releases and press photos are permitted, granted that the source is acknowledged.


The District Council of Upper Bavaria is neither responsible for any of the links on its web pages nor the content of all the websites to which the links attached lead to. The District Councilof Upper Bavaria does not own the contents of these pages. For the content of linked pages their operators are responsible. The inclusion of links to other URL's is a service to the visitors of our website. They are revocable at any time. Thus no legal claim is justified to maintain them.

This Legal Notice regards to the following social media profiles as well
