
LIFE contemporary

KUNST#TAG 069 - Symposium with the artists Oron Catts and Erich Berger as well as Prof. Michael J. Gorman, director of the museum BIOTOPIA in Munich

Date :


LIFE contemporary

5 October, 2019, Saturday 4 pm
LIFE contemporary 
KUNST#TAG 069: Symposium in the framework of the exhibition Research NATURE | LIFE
Shuttle service from Freising station: 3.55 pm; return: 7.30 pm


  • Oron Catts, artist
  • Erich Berger, artist
  • Prof. Michael J. Gorman, director of the museum BIOTOPIA in Munich
  • Dr. Björn Vedder, art historian and philosopher

Moderation: Eike Berg, director of the European Center for Art


  • Keyspeechs of the participants on their specialist fields
  • Round table
  • Discussion under the participation of the audience

The language of the symposium is English.


More about the exhibition

Research NATURE | LIFE
05.10.2019 - 01.12.2019
An exhibition focusing on the representation of nature and life, a presentation of the innovative interdisciplinary field of "biological art" around the intersection between art and science. ... Weiter