
Focus > Kosice

Datum: 01.08.2020  bis Datum: 31.12.2026 

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The goal of the European artists exchange of the District County of Upper Bavaria is to consolidate the cultural relations between countries of the European community by a partnership and to enrich the regional as well as the Upper Bavarian cultural scene.

The artist exchange with Košice Artist in Residence (KAIR) in Košice started in 2020. One artist each from Slovakia and from Upper Bavaria are living and working for each 2 months in the respective partner country.


About the Residency at KAIR in Košice

What KAIR provides to the artist from Upper Bavaria district of Germany:

  • Eight weeks residency in Kosice, Eastern Slovakia in the time period between February and April 2024
  • Free accommodation and studio
  • Honorarium 600 € / monthly
  • Travel costs (one time return, most favorable connection) max. 300 € in total
  • Material costs max. 200 € in total
  • Production and PR support

What we expect from an artist

  • Participation during the Open Studios Night to introduce himself/herself to the local audience.
  • One individual presentation or workshop during the residency.
  • Final presentation/exhibition at the end of the residency.
  • Compulsory attendance.


About Košice Artist in Residence (KAIR)

KAIR Košice Artist in Residence is an international residency program for artists from all over the world and all artistic disciplines and expressions. KAIR strongly focuses on creating international cooperation between Slovak and foreign artists and art organizations. Since 2011, artists have had the chance to work in the inspiring environment of Košice’s singular cultural surroundings, realize art projects, collaborate with the agile local art scene, and present themselves to the local and national public. In recent years the residency program has focused on connecting individuals and sharing the responsibility to the world during a common global crisis (environmental, political, economic, social, etc.). The program aims not only to analyze the current situation but to look critically at its consequences and the near and distant future. KAIR also provides opportunities for Slovak artists to travel for residencies in cooperation with its partners. The residency program offers two separate studios approx. 20 m2 in size, suitable for visual artists, and they are connected to the Šopa Gallery, where the residency activities in Košice will take place.


KAIR – Košice Artist in Residence
Management: Petra Housková
Phone: +421 911 224 391


KAIR Kosice Studio
KAIR Kosice Presentation
KAIR Kosice Event
KAIR Kosice Open Studio
KAIR Kosice Exhibition - intallation by Barbora Fastrova


Participating artists

from Slovakia in Freising:

  • Rachel Jutka (2023)
  • Natália Trejbalová (2021/2022)
  • Andrea Juneková (2020)

from Upper Bavaria in Košice:

  • Eunju Hong (2023)
  • Elisabeth Liselotte Kraus (2021)
  • Laura Leppert (2020)


Dates in Freising

10.02.2024 - 07.04.2024
The exhibition presents the works of 16 artists who participated in the previous year's European Art Fellowship artist exchange of the District of Upper Bavaria. The exhibition presents the works of 16 artists who took part in last year's artist exchange as part of the European Art Scholarship of the District of Upper Bavaria. ... >>>
19:00 Uhr
Presentation and talk with three participating artists of the residency program within the framework of the European Art Fellowship of the District Council of Upper Bavaria ... >>>
Ausstellung 2022 Fokus Europa 2+3
26.02.2022 - 18.04.2022
The exhibition presents the works of the 18 artists who participated in the European Art Fellowship artist exchange of the District of Upper Bavaria in 2020 and 2021. ... >>>
INPUT AIR 004 2021
19:00 Uhr
Presentation and artist talk with Andrea Juneková (Slovakia) who lives and works in the Schafhof in July and August, 2021. ... >>>
Fokus Europa II LIVE
11.02.2021 - 13.05.2021
19:00 Uhr
Presentation and talks with seven participants of the European Art Fellowship of the District Council of Upper Bavaria in 2020 as well as a greeting by the president of the District Council and an introduction. ... >>>

Previous Annual Themes at K.A.I.R

2021: Connecting individuals and sharing the responsibility to the world in the time of crisis

In 2021, the K.A.I.R.residency program focuses on connecting individuals and sharing the responsibility to the world in the time of crisis. The aim of the project is not only to analyze the current situation but especially to look critically at its consequences and the near and distant future. We are all experiencing the very personal and often emotional impact of a common global crisis (pandemic, environmental, economic, social, etc.). Many of us share feelings of fear and anxiety, vulnerability or environmental sadness. It is important to think about the environment which we live in and share with other living organisms. Living space for people is constantly expanding, the way of life shaped by capitalism affects and irreversibly disrupts our fragile ecosystems, following the beginning of an impending catastrophe. For the daily running of the world, unlimited mobility of people and goods is a matter of course today. We must take this into account to protect this and the next generation and to be able to adapt to existing and new challenges. The year 2020 brought, together with the pandemic, the term "social distance". What does this term mean, what are its consequences? Isn't this just a time for connection, cooperation and solidarity? During and after the crisis, we must focus on building and supporting future relations, looking for new or different forms of political and cultural group activities and coexistence. Especially during the global crisis, emphasis must be placed on protecting the human rights of all citizens. The state of emergency and the preservation of public health can be used as an excuse for the segregation of minorities. That is why we should try to strengthen the position of minorities, improve their self-image and expose the stereotypes that are still present in the thinking of the majority of the population. 

For the residency in Košice, we would like to ask artists to analyze the present situation and think about the future, and to address one or more of the following questions through visual arts or their overlap into scientific disciplines, sound art, new media or performance:

  • Is the current crisis causing a change in thinking and personal values? Or is it just temporary?
  • What are the possible new or different forms of political and cultural group activities and coexistence? And how does the environment in which we live, including other living organisms, fit into this coexistence?
  • How could the world slow down in the fight against the virus so that our society and economy respect our fragile ecosystems?
  • What are the results and consequences of the process of moving between different places on Earth and beyond?
  • How can the protection of human rights be ensured for all citizens? And what can we do to protect this and future generations?
2020: Interconnectedness

For the residency in Košice in 2020, we are searching for a visual or interdisciplinary artist from Upper Bavaria district of Germany, who would like to deal with the theme of Interconnectedness which highlights the need for contemporary society to be aware of its links with the environment beyond its own region, state or nation, but also beyond the human species. On the one hand, it is the impact of rich regions on developing countries on environmental, economic and political issues. On the other hand, focusing on anthropocentric humanism leads to the creation of a line between human and animal.

The artistic project that we will select through the open call should reflect some of the related issues through the visual art or its overlap into scientific disciplines, sound art, new media or performance:

  • What do we need to do to ensure the rights of all, including animals?
  • What can we do to protect this generation and the next generation?
  • How should we consider setting up personal values?
  • How should government, institutions, law or international relations respond?

At the same time, we are also interested in the individual experience and emotional impact - fear and anxiety, ecological grief, etc.