
SYMPOSIUM cyborg landscapes

The 16th Weihenstephaner Forum of the Technical University of Munich

Date :


SYMPOSIUM cyborg landscapes

20 October, Friday 9 am to 6 pm:

Increased use of modern technology in landscape architecture is intended to combat the negative consequences of climate change. But where is this development leading? How far can the technological optimization of nature go? What opportunities and risks do the cyborg landscapes of the future hold? At the 16th Weihenstephan Forum of the Technical University of Munich, held in cooperation with the Schafhof - European Art Forum Upper Bavaria, international experts and artists will get to the bottom of these questions. At the same time, the exhibition "Artificial Genesis" will take place at Schafhof Freising. 

All interested parties are cordially invited to the symposium on Friday, October 20 from 9 am to 6 pm: Schafhof - European Art Forum Upper Bavaria Am Schafhof 1, 85354 Freising.
Admission is free and prior registration is not required.


  • 09:00 Welcome & Coffee
  • 09:30 Greeting | Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher Professor of Landscape Architecture and Transformation TUM
  • 09:50 Presentation: Ilkka Halso | FIN Photographer, Artist
  • 10:30 Presentation: Dr. Natalie Marie Gulsrud | DK Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
  • Coffee break
  • 11:40 Presentation: Prof. Dr. Steven Velegrinis | USA Design Director, Regional Lead Cities & Urban Design
  • 12:30 Lunch break
  • 14:00 Presentation: Prof. Dr. Essam Heggy | USA/EGY Earth and Planetary Scientist, University of Southern California & NASA‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 14:50 Presentation Prof. Dr. Daixin Dai | CHN Associate Professor, Tongji University
  • Coffee break
  • 16:00 Presentation Prof. Dr. ir. Paul Roncken | NL Managing Director, NatuurCollege Foundation, Guest researcher, Wageningen University & Research
  • 16:50 Panel discussion Moderation: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher
  • 18:00 End of the event


  • Ilkka Halso | FIN
  • Dr. Natalie Marie Gulsrod | DK
  • Steven Velegrinis | USA
  • Dr. Essam Heggy | USA/EGY
  • Prof. Dr. Daixin Dai | CHN
  • Dr. ir. Paul Roncken | NL


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30.09.2023 bis 03.12.2023
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