
Lyrical May Evening

3klang Klassik in the Schafhof: Concert as part of the series "Music [in the] Museum" of the European Center for Art Upper Bavaria in the exhibition "Another Place" by Czech artist Pavel Mrkus.

Date :


Lyrical May Evening

Lyrical May Evening

Friday, 20 May, 2022, 7.30 pm
Music [in the] Museum | 3klang Klassik im Schafhof

Mona Pishkar (violin) and Adeline de Lange (piano) perform lyrical works by Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Claude Debussy and Jean Sibelius.

Tickets at € 15.-/erm. € 10.- at the tourist information office
Remaining tickets at the box office

A program of the music school 3klang in Freising

The concert is part of the series "Music [in the] Museum" of the European Center for Art Upper Bavaria in the exhibition “Another Place“ of the Czech artist Pavel Mrkus.

Simulation zur Ausstellung "Another Place" von Pavel Mrkus im Schafhof - Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern; eine komplexe weiße Linienstruktur füllt die Stirnwand des Tonnenweölbes im Schafhof, ausgehend vom Fluchtpunkt der Zentralperspektive