

Symposium on the international art project "Eastern Sugar" with lecture, artist talk and meeting of the partner organizations.

Date :



4 July, 2021, Sunday 4 pm: KUNST#TAG 078
Presentation by Edit András, art historian, Budapest;
afterwards artist talk about the project Eastern Sugar with Edit András, Ilona Németh and Björn Vedder.

On-SITE: Registraction at
ONLINE at Videopool:

Eastern Sugar is an international, interdisciplinary, contemporary visual art project with strong focus on artistic research. Part of the project is an elaborate publication with essays of many scientists from Europa and Amerika. 

Edit András is one of the authors, in her presentation she speaks about "mental geography" and the development of the political and cultural situation in East-Central Europe. Afterwards the international well-know art historian from Hungary takes part in the publik talk with the artist Ilona Németh and the art historian and philosopher Björn Vedder.


 More about the exhibition

2103 Eastern Sugar
24.04.2021 - 18.07.2021
The exhibition by Ilona Németh is part of the international art project "Eastern Sugar" about the changes in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. ... Weiter
Eastern Sugar Oberbayern
24.04.2021 - 18.07.2021
Eastern Sugar is an international, interdisciplinary, contemporary visual art project with strong focus on artistic research. In Upper Bavaria it includes the participatory installation "Sugarloaf Manufacture and Archive" by Ilona Németh and the exhibition "Crossing Borders". ... Weiter