
Transfer > Kharkiv

The artist-in-residence project Transfer > Kharkiv takes place in the framework of the Europan Art Scholarship of the District County of Upper Bavaria. Partner of the cooperation is the YermilovCenter in Kharkiv / Ukraine .

Date :

01.06.2019 until 31.12.2020

Transfer > Kharkiv
© Schafhof - Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern 


The goal of the European artists exchange of the District County of Upper Bavaria is to consolidate the cultural relations between countries of the european community by a partnership and to enrich the regional as well as the upper bavarian cultural scene.

The artist exchange with the YermilovCenter in Kharkiv start in September, 2019. One artist each from the Ukraine and from Upper Bavaria are living and working for each 1 month in the respective partner country.




  • September/October: artist from Upper Bavaria in Kharkiv: Raphael Krome
  • October-November: Ukrainian artist in Freising: Timothy Maxymenko
Timothy Maxymenko Portrait
05.11.2019 - 05.12.2019
Artist from Kiew, residency at 2019 in the Framework of Transfer > Kharkiv / Ukraine ... >>>


16 September bis 16 October, 2019
Artist-in-residence of the artist from Upper Bavaria in Kharkiv

Autumn 2019 
Artist-in-residence of th artist from the Ukraine in Freising

24 March, 2019: Residence Europa
The YermilovCenter was represented on the symposium by the director Nataliia Ivanova and the curator Olena Kasperovych.

Europakarte Künstleraustausch
13:30 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr
Symposium about the theme "European artist exchanges" with keynote speech by Gitte Zschoch (director of EUNIC Global) and round table discussion with artists and representatives of the partner institutions from different countries ... >>>

Über the YermilovCenter

Established in March 2012, YermilovCentre is currently one of the largest and most dynamic centres of contemporary art in Ukraine. The Centre is located in the main building of Karazin Kharkiv National University.The centre interior space design project was created by Kharkiv designers Ihor Ostapenko, Inna Pedan,
Andrii Hvorostyanov. The 1500 sq.m. multilayer two-floor space of the centre provides unique opportunities for creating and presenting art projects.

Misssion Statement

The mission of the YermilovCentre is a promotion of contemporary art, creating the space and opportunities for communication and interaction among artists, critics, curators, and researchers. It develops Ukrainian art environment and international cooperation, shapes understanding of contemporary art as a prerequisite to develop civil society.

YermilovCentre today is a laboratory for young authors working in contemporary art and culture. The priorities of the institution are international cooperation and cross-cultural dialogue.

Program of residency

The Centre houses residence programme works as a platform for international cultural exchange and is oriented on research art residencies. Centre provides a unique point of access to Kharkiv’s rich, multifaceted –and largely unknownvisual arts’ culture. Also participants can touch to science and educational part of city life thanks to close collaboration with the Karazin University.

In 2019 residence of YermilovCentre will take part artists from Poland, Lithuania, Great Britain.

>> Download of the presentation of the YermilovCenter (7,5 MB)

AIR Künstleraustausch Kharkiv Collage