Erika Miklósová
26.10.2019 bis 30.11.2019
Lives and works in Bratislava
Residency at Schafhof: October/November, 2019
- 2004 – 2010 Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Ateliér ++- XXI with Prof. Daniel Fischer
- 2000 – 2004 The Secondary School of Scenic Arts, Bratislava
Erika Miklosova´s diversified portfolio represents paintings, drawings and graphics. The artist expresses herself in cycles or series where she repeatedly works with one theme in various versions. Her artistic program relates to the themes of her identity, home, past and personal experience. She builds her artistic programme on her personnal experiences which arise in her works through metaphoric depiction. The form and the content of her work is poetic but in the same time we can sense in her work a high level of aesthetic criterion which is achieved by expressivity, colour and through emotivity. We can find an extensive range of an artisctic realizations in her work, from sketchy style which approaches the brush strokes, to the monochromatic and blemish texture of her paintings. The pattern ( a repetitious form), combination of different techniques and a strong gesture and emotivity is typical for her work.
16:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
19:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr